I am Ahmet Kun, a Software Developer living in Istanbul.

There is a somewhat formal CV of me on StackOverflow Careers. You can also visit my LinkedIn profile.

Some other places i can be found at:

Latest Articles

September 3, 2019 /etc/nginx/off, What Might That Be? nginx

April 26, 2018 Implementing a queue system for PHP php queue

February 4, 2018 TIL: You can use SSH aliases for scp too unix bash ssh scp

May 7, 2017 Radyo Eksen'in En Sık Çaldığı Parçalar music türkçe

October 29, 2016 Get notified of long running PHP processes bash php processes

October 21, 2016 Send yourself latest XKCD every morning (And learn a bit of Bash scripting along the way) unix bash xkcd

October 9, 2016 Bir ide olarak unix unix türkçe

Pet Projects



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This is a Spotify playlist made out of my favorite tracks on Last.fm. You can get a similar playlist for yourself here.

Ahmet Kun on Project Euler